Doorway Inc. Blog:

What Colour Should My Front Door Be?

You likely walk through it several times each day – but how often do you notice its colour?

Although the colour of your home’s front door may seem insignificant, it can play a big role in how your home is perceived (not to mention affect its resale value). Here’s what you should keep in mind when trying to decide what colour your front door should be.

The Importance of the Front Door Colour

When you invite guests over to your home, the colour of your front door can help set the tone for what they will find inside. A door that is bright and cheerful will have a much different impression than one that is bland in colour.

If you’re planning on selling your home, this is especially important to prospective buyers who want to feel welcomed. If they don’t get that impression right from the start, you risk losing a potential sale.

Tip #1: Consider Your Home’s Style

You want your home to provide curbside appeal – not become the laughing stock of the neighbourhood. Look around at the homes around you and select a colour that won’t look out of place. If you own a contemporary home, a bold colour may work best, whereas a cottage or farmhouse style could feature a bright colour inspired by nature.

Next, look at the rest of your home’s exterior colours. If it’s mainly a dark colour, you may wish to choose a complementary light colour for your front door. The opposite goes for light exteriors on homes; in that case, choose a darker (or brighter) colour that will stand out from the rest of your home’s exterior.

Tip #2: Pick Something Popular

Selecting a mainstream colour for your front door is important if you are planning on selling your home soon. If that is the case, deep shades of Blue/Brown, Greys or Bronze Brown are quite popular.

Besides colour choice, make sure you keep your front door clean. A white door can make this difficult!


Painting your door will only work to your advantage if it’s in great condition. If you find yourself in need of a brand-new front door, we’re happy to help! Check out Doorway Inc. for information on our wide selection of door options.

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